mercredi 5 mars 2008

Hamilton Artists Inc.

March 7 - April 19, 2008

Histoires, Paintings by Mario Doucette

Opening reception: Friday, March 14, 7-10 pm. - artist will be in attendance

Artist Talk: Sat. March 8th 2-4 pm

Gallery Hours: Tues-Fri 12 – 5, Sat 12-4

Visiting artist Mario Doucette from Moncton, New Brunswick, evokes the imaginary world of childhood and inserts the contemporary influences of video games and cable TV within his paintings. The works are influenced by childhood memories of drawing sketches, while transfixed by television images portraying epic struggles between two armies. The artist states, “Men and machinery brought extreme violence upon each other, while we as children would ignore any reason or cause. We could distinguish each army, not by their nationality, but by the colour of their uniforms. We admired the weaponry that allowed for the destruction of the other “team”. I had perceived war as a game and not as the abominable crime of our society. Later I would learn about the destructive nature of war and the great loss of life. This discovery has transposed itself onto paper into adulthood, as the elements of combat and struggle between nations have become an ever present concern to me.”
A publication featured a great essay by Erinn Langille.

Hamilton Artists Inc.
161 James Street North, Hamilton ON (at the north west corner of James and Cannon Streets)

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